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Complicated Love by Harper Phoenix Release Blitz

   (Stone Pack Series #2)
   Harper Phoenix
   Release Date: May 31st
Hosted By:    Chance Promotions
   Following her abduction, Maiya's life is turned upside down. Her only wish    is that death will come calling her name soon, but instead she's left with    an addiction she can't shake...and is stuck in a life she never even knew    existed.
   And then there is Brad...
   When Brad is given babysitting duty, he does everything in his power to    keep Maiya safe. But he didn't bargain on what he would get in return. His    world is tilted on its axis when he starts to fall for the bitch taking    over his space. And no amount of trying will make his feelings go away.
   Can Love really conquer all? Or is that just a foolish sentiment?
   I was born and bred in East Yorkshire England, and I still live in my    hometown, with my husband and children.
   My journey with stories began when I was just a child, I would often    scribble down wherever my dreams or imagination took me.
   My journey with writing stories, began much later when I became ill and    housebound for a period of eighteen months. I decided I would escape real    life and become immersed in a story of my creation. With the support of my    husband and family my first real story was born. I would stay up night    after night tapping the keys of my trusty laptop, while my husband lay    sleeping beside me. I was hooked. But it wasnt as easy as that. My story    needed work. A lot of it. And it sat on my computer for some years after    that. Later on I decided to embark on another journey. I went to    university, where I studied Creative writing and english literature.
   I then decided with a new wealth of knowledge that I would once again delve    into the world that I had created. I had never forgotten the characters and    would often think about what I would have liked to have done with them over    the years. I had grown to love them for getting me through a very difficult    period in my life, and I wanted other people to read all about them. And so    I began to rewrite my book.
   It wasnt until I delved into the 'Book world' on facebook that I discovered    the 'Indie book world.' Its amazing! So many authors are now being heard    publishing this way, and I can only hope that my books will leave a lasting    memory for some or all of you readers too!
   Complicated Love Paperback.jpg


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